Maybe it's the Weather
£15.00 On sale
Maybe it’s the weather brings together the works of Ana Victoria Bruno (Argentinian Italian, based Iceland), Shannon Calcott (Australia), Liam Colgan (Australia) Sophie Durand (Australian, based Iceland) Ýmir Grönvold (Iceland) Juliane Foronda (Canada), Mark Ferkul (Canada), Bronte Jones (Australian based in Scotland), Natasha Lall (UK), Patricia Carolina (Mexico, based Iceland), Holly White (UK) and Lieselotte Vloeberghs (Belgium) as a small curated conversation.
The selected works in the book have been produced in response to and as a means of understanding the processes/effects of interpersonal relationships, longing and lusting to fulfil a fantasy, and an overwhelming desire for love and intimacy; and align with the thematics and ideas of this. It’s about fancied ideas of love, longing to long or wanting to be in a space where something could/have be[en] or really just wanting experiences and the situation to be a little nicer. It’s about being in the world and how we perceive our experiences and the ways in which we can endeavour to [forge] connect[ions] and make things better through simple process and gestures.
‘Maybe it’s the weather’ is a line from the song Mama, you been on my mind originally by Bob Dylan. The line reminds you that there are other reasons for feeling, and these can be external from people and experiences. It’s an excuse but also an explanation that everything is connected and certain circumstances can exacerbate emotional responses to situations. The song indulges continued care but also makes light of the situation in an active way that moves forward rather than wallowing in melancholy and keeping things on your mind.
The moments presented in the book perseverate: repeat and prolong actions, thoughts, or utterances after the stimulus that prompted them have ceased. But maybe it’s ok, maybe it’s the weather, nobody cares forever.
For more information about the artists see:
Ana Victoria Bruno
Liam Colgan
Instagram: @no_fems68
Sophie Durand
Instagram @sophie.l.durand
Ýmir Grönvold
Instagram @ymirgronvold
Juliane Foronda
Instagram: @juliforonda
Mark Ferkul
Instagram: @sexy_gal69
Bronte Jones
Instagram @brontejones_
Natasha Lall
Instagram: @_natashalall
Patricia Carolina
Instagram: @carolinaalcuadrado
Holly White
Instagram: @hollywhite4eva
Lieselotte Vloeberghs
Instagram: @omgilovehorsesandspirituality
ISBN-13: 978-0-646-99439-0